Get the FRED tags for a release. Optionally, filter results by tag name, tag group, or search text.

  tag_names = NULL,
  tag_group_id = NULL,
  search_text = NULL,
  limit = NULL,
  offset = NULL,
  order_by = NULL,
  sort_order = NULL,
  realtime_start = NULL,
  realtime_end = NULL



An integer ID of the release.


These dots only exist for future extensions and should be empty.


A semicolon delimited string of tag names to only include in the response. No filtering by tag names by default (i.e. all FRED tags returned).


A string tag group id to filter tags by type. No filtering by tag group by default. Possible values are:

  • "freq" = Frequency

  • "gen" = General or Concept

  • "geo" = Geography

  • "geot" = Geography Type

  • "rls" = Release

  • "seas" = Seasonal Adjustment

  • "src" = Source


A string indicating the words to find matching tags with. No filtering by search words by default.


An integer limit on the maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 1000, the maximum.


An integer used in conjunction with limit for long series. This mimics the idea of pagination to retrieve large amounts of data over multiple calls. Defaults to 0.


Order results by values of the specified attribute. Possible values are:

  • "series_count" (default)

  • "popularity"

  • "created"

  • "name"

  • "group_id"


A string representing the order of the resulting series, sorted by the attribute values specified by order_by. Possible values are: "asc" (default), and "desc".


A Date indicating the start of the real-time period. Defaults to today's date. For more information, see Real-Time Periods.


A Date indicating the end of the real-time period. Defaults to today's date. For more information, see Real-Time Periods.


A tibble object.

API Documentation



if (fredr_has_key()) {
fredr_release_tags(release_id = 10L)
#> # A tibble: 186 × 6
#>    name                           group_id notes created popularity series_count
#>    <chr>                          <chr>    <chr> <chr>        <int>        <int>
#>  1 bls                            src      "Bur… 2012-0…         88         4654
#>  2 cpi                            gen      "Con… 2012-0…         71         4654
#>  3 indexes                        gen      ""    2012-0…         87         4654
#>  4 price                          gen      ""    2013-0…         87         4654
#>  5 price index                    gen      ""    2012-0…         85         4654
#>  6 public domain: citation reque… cc        NA   2018-1…         99         4654
#>  7 usa                            geo      "Uni… 2012-0…        100         4654
#>  8 urban                          gen      ""    2012-0…         62         4652
#>  9 consumer                       gen      ""    2012-0…         68         4458
#> 10 nsa                            seas     "Not… 2012-0…         99         4450
#> # ℹ 176 more rows